“Harvesting the waste heat from an engine exhaust and converting it into electrical energy for onboard use can provide a reduced demand for fossil fuels and reduce their detrimental impact on the environment,” says Clemson physics professor Terry Tritt. “Given the recent power shortages in the U.S. and our dependency on uncertain overseas petroleum fuel supplies, there is an even more pressing need to investigate alternative-energy technologies.”
Tritt is investigating the electrical and thermal properties of new materials that could reduce world reliance on fossil fuels.
Emily Armistead, of Greenpeace, said: "Tony Blair is crossing his fingers and hoping someone will invent aeroplanes that don't cause climate change. But that's like holding out for cigarettes that don't cause cancer. Hoping for the best isn't a policy, it's a delusion."
But it gave the Red Sox a 6-5 win over the Braves, and nothing else matters.
“It was good to do something for the team,’’ he said. “No one wanted to play in the rain.’’
He swears he went to the plate not fully cognizant of the entire situation, that he knew it was a home run, but he didn’t know until he hit second base and saw all those guys in white uniforms gathered around home plate that he had hit a walkoff homer in front of the man who coined the phrase many years ago. (In case you’re new to this, that man would be The Eck, who was working the game for NESN.) He said this, and we believe him because he is the great Nick Green and he would never, ever lie to us.
It was actually the second walkoff homer of his career, and by now the truly sagacious among you have already guessed that the first was against - who else? - the Red Sox. That came on July 2, 2004, as a member of, naturally, the Atlanta Braves. And you didn’t think this could get any better, did you?
11.Changing The Nature of Work Reducing energy use across the company Limiting the greenhouse gas emissions implicated in global warming Closely managing water use, food procurement, and water Monitoring and properly disposing of hazardous materials © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mike Childs, of Friends of the Earth, said: "It's disappointing that Tony Blair is refusing to set an example on tackling climate change, but it is even more disappointing that his government is failing to take decisive action to cut UK emissions."