
I was never a huge Tom Green fan

Recycling waste products is environmentally and economically vital for the state, nation and world. Santee Cooper and Clemson’s S.C. Institute for Energy Studies are partnering on a farm-to-fuel demonstration project that will convert swine waste, crop residue and energy crops into biogas to generate electricity.

I was never a huge Tom Green fan, as I was a few years too old to appreciate his MTV show. I was intrigued by his story, which as I'd heard was that he was a small town Canadian boy who struck it big with gross-out humor and MTV.

After reading his biography, I have definitely changed any and all assumptions about him and his work. The insane rollercoaster of the best and worst luck in the world he experienced within a few years would be unbelievable were it not true. The decade of persistence that preceeded those huge years is in itself impressive. The anecdotes about giving a speech, a night with a rather wild woman, having and making use of a cell phone before cell phones were everywhere, plus so much more all adds up to one of the most interesting and captivating books I've ever read.

Another point to mention is that in a world of gossip and salacious tales, Green gives more information and personal feelings than I expected, but never, not even once, uses the book to criticize anyone else or to try to make himself look like a hero. He shows a lot of appreciation and humility, and reveals an immense depth of character. I had intended to read this book over a period of time and started reading it on a four hour flight. As the plane landed I was only 30 pages away from the end.

I exited the plane only to sit in the boarding gate and reopen it because I couldn't wait to finish the final little bit. It was that good. I highly recommend this book to fans, non-fans, and everyone else.

“If agricultural waste and crops are to be used successfully as a significant source of electricity, we need a model that will generate large quantities of electricity at reasonable prices,” says Robert Leitner, associate director of the Institute for Energy Studies. “This project also has the potential to stimulate the economy in agricultural regions throughout the state, and its design will address other common agriculture waste streams in South Carolina, such as poultry litter and dairy manure. It’s a winner all the way around.”

